Friday, August 5, 2011

From Our Children's Church Summer Songwriting Workshop...

This post is mainly for parents of our children's church kids.  During our summer vacation, we've been having some pretty awesome workshops on various aspects of the arts as they find expression in our faith and worship. My little part of this series was two sessions on songwriting.

As part of this mini-workshop, we:

  1. created new verses to traditional, patterned songs, such as "God Is So Good" and "Ain't No Rock";
  2. used a simple pattern to brainstorm lyrics for a "group-written" song (both the rough and finished version can be heard below);
  3. shared about scripture songs as a way to memorize and apply God's Word; and
  4. recorded some of our creations!
Here are a few clips of what went on.  Feel free to listen or download.

The kids brainstorm lyrics to create their own song:

Results of the brainstorm... a bluesy new song called "He's Better to Me...":

Paul Major intros his talk about scripture songs:

Paul shares some of his own scripture songs:


I'd love to hear your thoughts!